Interface Furnace

All Superinterfaces:
BlockInventoryHolder, BlockState, Container, InventoryHolder, Lockable, LockableTileState, Metadatable, Nameable, PersistentDataHolder, PersistentDataViewHolder, TileState, TileStateInventoryHolder
All Known Subinterfaces:
BlastFurnace, Smoker

public interface Furnace extends Container
Represents a captured state of a furnace.
  • Method Details

    • getBurnTime

      short getBurnTime()
      Get burn time.
      Burn time
    • setBurnTime

      void setBurnTime(short burnTime)
      Set burn time. A burn time greater than 0 will cause this block to be lit, whilst a time less than 0 will extinguish it.
      burnTime - Burn time
    • getCookTime

      short getCookTime()
      Get cook time. This is the amount of time the item has been cooking for.
      Cook time
    • setCookTime

      void setCookTime(short cookTime)
      Set cook time. This is the amount of time the item has been cooking for.
      cookTime - Cook time
    • getCookTimeTotal

      int getCookTimeTotal()
      Get cook time total. This is the amount of time the item is required to cook for.
      Cook time total
    • setCookTimeTotal

      void setCookTimeTotal(int cookTimeTotal)
      Set cook time. This is the amount of time the item is required to cook for.
      cookTimeTotal - Cook time total
    • getRecipesUsed

      @NotNull @NotNull Map<CookingRecipe<?>,Integer> getRecipesUsed()
      Get the recipes used in this furnace. Note: These recipes used are reset when the result item is manually taken from the furnace.
      An immutable map with the recipes used and the times used
    • getCookSpeedMultiplier

      double getCookSpeedMultiplier()
      Gets the cook speed multiplier that this Furnace will cook compared to vanilla.
      the multiplier, a value between 0 and 200
    • setCookSpeedMultiplier

      void setCookSpeedMultiplier(double multiplier)
      Sets the speed multiplier that this Furnace will cook compared to vanilla.
      multiplier - the multiplier to set, a value between 0 and 200
      IllegalArgumentException - if value is less than 0
      IllegalArgumentException - if value is more than 200
    • getRecipeUsedCount

      int getRecipeUsedCount(@NotNull NamespacedKey furnaceRecipe)
      Gets the number of times a recipe has been used since the last player removed items from the result slot. This is used to calculate experience rewards when withdrawing items from furnaces.
      furnaceRecipe - the recipe to query the count for
      the count or 0 if none found
    • hasRecipeUsedCount

      boolean hasRecipeUsedCount(@NotNull NamespacedKey furnaceRecipe)
      Checks if the recipe has a used count present on this furnace.
      furnaceRecipe - the recipe to check if a count exists for
      true if there is a positive count, else false
    • setRecipeUsedCount

      void setRecipeUsedCount(@NotNull CookingRecipe<?> furnaceRecipe, int count)
      Sets the number of times a recipe has been used. This is used to calculate experience rewards when withdrawing items from furnaces.
      furnaceRecipe - the recipe to set the count for
      count - the count, a non-positive number will remove the recipe
    • setRecipesUsed

      void setRecipesUsed(@NotNull @NotNull Map<CookingRecipe<?>,Integer> recipesUsed)
      Sets all recipes used by this furnace.
      recipesUsed - the recipes used
    • getInventory

      Description copied from interface: TileStateInventoryHolder
      Gets the inventory of the block represented by this block state.

      If the block was changed to a different type in the meantime, the returned inventory might no longer be valid.

      If this block state is not placed this will return the captured inventory snapshot instead.

      Specified by:
      getInventory in interface InventoryHolder
      Specified by:
      getInventory in interface TileStateInventoryHolder
      the inventory
    • getSnapshotInventory

      @NotNull @NotNull FurnaceInventory getSnapshotInventory()
      Description copied from interface: TileStateInventoryHolder
      Gets the captured inventory snapshot of this container.

      The returned inventory is not linked to any block. Any modifications to the returned inventory will not be applied to the block represented by this block state up until BlockState.update(boolean, boolean) has been called.

      Specified by:
      getSnapshotInventory in interface TileStateInventoryHolder
      the captured inventory snapshot