Class MavenLibraryResolver

All Implemented Interfaces:

@NullMarked public class MavenLibraryResolver extends Object implements ClassPathLibrary
The maven library resolver acts as a resolver for yet to be resolved jar libraries that may be pulled from a remote maven repository.

Plugins may create and configure a MavenLibraryResolver by creating a new one and registering both a dependency artifact that should be resolved to a library at runtime and the repository it is found in. An example of this would be the inclusion of the jooq library for typesafe SQL queries:

 MavenLibraryResolver resolver = new MavenLibraryResolver();
 resolver.addDependency(new Dependency(new DefaultArtifact("org.jooq:jooq:3.17.7"), null));
 resolver.addRepository(new RemoteRepository.Builder(
     "central", "default", ""

Plugins may create and register a MavenLibraryResolver after configuring it.

  • Constructor Details

    • MavenLibraryResolver

      public MavenLibraryResolver()
      Creates a new maven library resolver instance.

      The created instance will use the servers libraries folder to cache fetched libraries in. Notably, the resolver is created without any repository, not even maven central. It is hence crucial that plugins which aim to use this api register all required repositories before submitting the MavenLibraryResolver to the PluginClasspathBuilder.

  • Method Details

    • addDependency

      public void addDependency(Dependency dependency)
      Adds the provided dependency to the library resolver. The artifact from the first valid repository matching the passed dependency will be chosen.
      dependency - the definition of the dependency the maven library resolver should resolve when running
      See Also:
    • addRepository

      public void addRepository(RemoteRepository remoteRepository)
      Adds the provided repository to the library resolver. The order in which these are added does matter, as dependency resolving will start at the first added repository.
      remoteRepository - the configuration that defines the maven repository this library resolver should fetch dependencies from
    • register

      public void register(LibraryStore store) throws LibraryLoadingException
      Resolves the provided dependencies and adds them to the library store.
      Specified by:
      register in interface ClassPathLibrary
      store - the library store the then resolved and downloaded dependencies are registered into
      LibraryLoadingException - if resolving a dependency failed