Interface PluginMessageRecipient

All Known Subinterfaces:
Player, Server, World

public interface PluginMessageRecipient
Represents a possible recipient for a Plugin Message.
  • Method Details

    • sendPluginMessage

      void sendPluginMessage(@NotNull @NotNull Plugin source, @NotNull @NotNull String channel, byte @NotNull [] message)
      Sends this recipient a Plugin Message on the specified outgoing channel.

      The message may not be larger than Messenger.MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE bytes, and the plugin must be registered to send messages on the specified channel.

      source - The plugin that sent this message.
      channel - The channel to send this message on.
      message - The raw message to send.
      IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if the source plugin is disabled.
      IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if source, channel or message is null.
      MessageTooLargeException - Thrown if the message is too big.
      ChannelNotRegisteredException - Thrown if the channel is not registered for this plugin.
    • getListeningPluginChannels

      @NotNull @NotNull Set<String> getListeningPluginChannels()
      Gets a set containing all the Plugin Channels that this client is listening on. Does not contain the BungeeCord channel due to its special status.
      Set containing all the channels that this client may accept.
    • sendCustomPayload

      void sendCustomPayload(@NotNull NamespacedKey channel, byte @NotNull [] value)
      이 대상에게 커스텀 페이로드를 채널 등록 없이 전송합니다.
      channel - 채널 이름
      value - 데이터
    • sendCustomPayload

      void sendCustomPayload(@NotNull NamespacedKey channel, @NotNull io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf buf)
      이 대상에게 커스텀 페이로드를 채널 등록 없이 전송합니다.
      channel - 채널 이름
      buf - netty bytebuf 오브젝트