Interface Firework

All Superinterfaces:
Audience, CommandSender, Entity, HoverEventSource<HoverEvent.ShowEntity>, Metadatable, Nameable, Permissible, PersistentDataHolder, PersistentDataViewHolder, Pointered, Projectile, ServerOperator, Sound.Emitter

public interface Firework extends Projectile
  • Method Details

    • getFireworkMeta

      @NotNull @NotNull FireworkMeta getFireworkMeta()
      Get a copy of the fireworks meta
      A copy of the current Firework meta
    • setFireworkMeta

      void setFireworkMeta(@NotNull @NotNull FireworkMeta meta)
      Apply the provided meta to the fireworks

      Adjusts detonation ticks automatically.

      meta - The FireworkMeta to apply
    • setAttachedTo

      boolean setAttachedTo(@Nullable @Nullable LivingEntity entity)
      Set the LivingEntity to which this firework is attached.

      When attached to an entity, the firework effect will act as normal but remain positioned on the entity. If the entity LivingEntity#isGliding() is gliding, then the entity will receive a boost in the direction that they are looking.

      entity - the entity to which the firework should be attached, or null to remove the attached entity
      true if the entity could be attached, false if the firework was already detonated
    • getAttachedTo

      Get the LivingEntity to which this firework is attached.

      When attached to an entity, the firework effect will act as normal but remain positioned on the entity. If the entity LivingEntity#isGliding() is gliding, then the entity will receive a boost in the direction that they are looking.

      the attached entity, or null if none
    • setLife

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) boolean setLife(int ticks)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Set the ticks that this firework has been alive. If this value exceeds getMaxLife(), the firework will detonate.
      ticks - the ticks to set. Must be greater than or equal to 0
      true if the life was set, false if this firework has already detonated
    • getLife

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) int getLife()
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Get the ticks that this firework has been alive. When this value reaches getMaxLife(), the firework will detonate.
      the life ticks
    • setMaxLife

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) boolean setMaxLife(int ticks)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Set the time in ticks this firework will exist until it is detonated.
      ticks - the ticks to set. Must be greater than 0
      true if the time was set, false if this firework has already detonated
    • getMaxLife

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) int getMaxLife()
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Get the time in ticks this firework will exist until it is detonated.
      the maximum life in ticks
    • detonate

      void detonate()
      Cause this firework to explode at earliest opportunity, as if it has no remaining fuse.
    • isDetonated

      boolean isDetonated()
      Check whether or not this firework has detonated.
      true if detonated, false if still in the world
    • isShotAtAngle

      boolean isShotAtAngle()
      Gets if the firework was shot at an angle (i.e. from a crossbow). A firework which was not shot at an angle will fly straight upwards.
      shot at angle status
    • setShotAtAngle

      void setShotAtAngle(boolean shotAtAngle)
      Sets if the firework was shot at an angle (i.e. from a crossbow). A firework which was not shot at an angle will fly straight upwards.
      shotAtAngle - the new shotAtAngle
    • getSpawningEntity

      @Nullable UUID getSpawningEntity()
    • getBoostedEntity

      @Nullable @Deprecated default @Nullable LivingEntity getBoostedEntity()
      If this firework is boosting an entity, return it
      The entity being boosted
      See Also:
    • getItem

      @NotNull ItemStack getItem()
      Gets the item used in the firework.
      firework item
    • setItem

      void setItem(@Nullable ItemStack itemStack)
      Sets the item used in the firework.

      Firework explosion effects are used from this item.

      itemStack - item to set
    • getTicksFlown

      int getTicksFlown()
      Gets the number of ticks the firework has flown.
      ticks flown
    • setTicksFlown

      void setTicksFlown(int ticks)
      Sets the number of ticks the firework has flown. Setting this greater than detonation ticks will cause the firework to explode.
      ticks - ticks flown
    • getTicksToDetonate

      int getTicksToDetonate()
      Gets the number of ticks the firework will detonate on.
      the tick to detonate on
    • setTicksToDetonate

      void setTicksToDetonate(int ticks)
      Set the amount of ticks the firework will detonate on.
      ticks - ticks to detonate on
    • isDisableExplosionDeal

      boolean isDisableExplosionDeal()
      폭발 대미지 제거 여부를 가져옵니다.
      폭발 대미지 제거 여부
    • setDisableExplosionDeal

      void setDisableExplosionDeal(boolean disable)
      폭발 대미지 제거 여부를 설정합니다.
      disable - 폭발 대미지 제거 여부