Interface Hopper

All Superinterfaces:
BlockInventoryHolder, BlockState, Container, InventoryHolder, Lockable, LockableTileState, Lootable, LootableBlockInventory, LootableInventory, Metadatable, Nameable, PersistentDataHolder, PersistentDataViewHolder, TileState, TileStateInventoryHolder

public interface Hopper extends Container, LootableBlockInventory
Represents a captured state of a hopper.
  • Method Details

    • setTransferCooldown

      void setTransferCooldown(@org.jetbrains.annotations.Range(from=0L, to=2147483647L) int cooldown)
      Sets the cooldown before the hopper transfers or sucks in another item
      cooldown - the cooldown in ticks
      IllegalArgumentException - if the passed cooldown value is negative.
    • getTransferCooldown

      int getTransferCooldown()
      Returns the cooldown before the hopper transfers or sucks in another item
      the cooldown in ticks