Class BlockLockCheckEvent


@NullMarked public class BlockLockCheckEvent extends BlockEvent
Called when the server tries to check the lock on a lockable block entity.
See setResult(Result) to change behavior
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getBlockState

      public LockableTileState getBlockState()
      Gets the snapshot LockableTileState of the block entity whose lock is being checked.
      the snapshot block state.
    • getPlayer

      public Player getPlayer()
      Get the player involved this lock check.
      the player
    • getKeyItem

      public ItemStack getKeyItem()
      Gets the itemstack that will be used as the key itemstack. Initially this will be the item in the player's main hand but an override can be set with setKeyItem(ItemStack). Use isUsingCustomKeyItemStack() to check if a custom key stack has been set.
      the item being used as the key item
      See Also:
    • setKeyItem

      public void setKeyItem(ItemStack stack)
      Sets the itemstack that will be used as the key item.
      stack - the stack to use as a key
      See Also:
    • resetKeyItem

      public void resetKeyItem()
      Reset the key stack to the default (the player's main hand).
    • isUsingCustomKeyItemStack

      public boolean isUsingCustomKeyItemStack()
      Checks if a custom key stack has been set.
      true if a custom key itemstack has been set
    • getResult

      public Event.Result getResult()
      Gets the result of this event.
      the result
      See Also:
    • setResult

      public void setResult(Event.Result result)
      Gets the result of this event. Event.Result.DEFAULT is the default allowing the vanilla logic to check the lock of this block. Set to Event.Result.ALLOW or Event.Result.DENY to override that behavior.

      Setting this to Event.Result.ALLOW bypasses the spectator check.

      result - the result of this event
    • denyWithMessageAndSound

      public void denyWithMessageAndSound(@Nullable Component lockedMessage, @Nullable Sound lockedSound)
      Shorthand method to set the getResult() to Event.Result.DENY, the locked message and locked sound.
      lockedMessage - the message to show if locked (or null for none)
      lockedSound - the sound to play if locked (or null for none)
    • getLockedMessage

      public @Nullable Component getLockedMessage()
      Gets the locked message that will be sent if the player cannot open the block.
      the locked message (or null if none)
    • setLockedMessage

      public void setLockedMessage(@Nullable Component lockedMessage)
      Sets the locked message that will be sent if the player cannot open the block.
      lockedMessage - the locked message (or null for none)
    • getLockedSound

      public @Nullable Sound getLockedSound()
      Gets the locked sound that will play if the player cannot open the block.
      the locked sound (or null if none)
    • setLockedSound

      public void setLockedSound(@Nullable Sound lockedSound)
      Sets the locked sound that will play if the player cannot open the block.
      lockedSound - the locked sound (or null for none)
    • getHandlers

      public HandlerList getHandlers()
      Specified by:
      getHandlers in class Event
    • getHandlerList

      public static HandlerList getHandlerList()